Watch Blue Faery's 300% Growth
This time last year, Blue Faery had one full-time employee (me) and one part-time, in-house, independent contractor. But a lot can happen in one year!
And in January 2024? Well, both part-time employees will become full-time with benefits. Aside from me, we have Executive Assistant George Galvez, Program Manager Allyson Luong, and Operations Manager Marina Uchenik.
Meet our new Program Manager Allyson Luong
I would like you to meet Allyson Luong, our new program manager. We're thrilled to have Allyson on our team. She manages The Truth About Liver Cancer program, and she also works with me to oversee other programs, including Love Your Liver, You and Liver Cancer (new in 2024), and much more.
Allyson has a personal connection to liver cancer. When she was in eighth grade, her mother Janice was diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Prior to her diagnosis, Janice had no symptoms. After some blood tests and imaging, she had surgery to remove one tumor from her liver. When subsequent tumors were discovered, Allyson’s uncle, a healthcare provider, insisted a liver transplant was necessary to ensure survival. After seeking multiple opinions, Janice was put on the transplant list at Cedars-Sinai. When she received the call that a liver was available, Janice drove straight from work to the hospital.
22 years: have we made progress?
Twenty-two years ago today, the light of my life—my child and sister Adrienne—died from stage IV primary liver cancer (i.e., hepatocellular carcinoma aka HCC). She was 15 years, six months, and one day old. Adrienne died at home in her bed surrounded by people who loved her. Other than oxygen, she was not hooked up to any machines. She was not in pain. But when I heard that last breath whistle through her teeth, my heart shattered into a million pieces
Elevar Therapeutics Joins Benefactors Council of Blue Faery, Leading Hepatocellular Carcinoma Advocacy Group
“Elevar is inspired by Blue Faery’s efforts to raise understanding of and advocate for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma and their families,” said Elevar Vice President of Medical Affairs Bill Strickland. “As HCC typically has a poor prognosis and a lack of treatment options, we are highly focused on bringing a new therapeutic approach to those in need, and we are proud to support the caring community Blue Faery has built by participating in its Benefactors Council.”
Excited for Sober September!
Recently, I attended a small women’s weekend retreat. I don’t treat myself often, but it was an opportunity to spend time healing my grief, interacting with other women, and convening with nature. But the retreat involved strong recommendations before showing up.
Are you embracing your age?
A few weeks ago, I woke up one morning unable to breathe through my nose. Congested head. Raw throat. Dry mouth. The previous weekend, I had traveled to Arkansas to surprise my dad for Father’s Day.
Stop being stubborn!
A few weeks ago, I woke up one morning unable to breathe through my nose. Congested head. Raw throat. Dry mouth. The previous weekend, I had traveled to Arkansas to surprise my dad for Father’s Day.
Meet Medical Oncologists
Earlier this month, Marina Uchenik, a long-time Blue Faery Board Director, and I attended the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting in Chicago. Blue Faery did not get a booth this year, which allowed us more time to attend seminars, meet with supporters, and network with colleagues.
Love Your Liver Chinese
This week was the anniversary of the beginning of Adrienne’s liver cancer journey. I’ll never forget when an ER doctor told us, “She has tumors in her liver and lungs.”
Truth About Liver Cancer
What happened to February? It zipped by. We had two exciting Love Your Liver Live workshops for the Black/African-American communities in Atlanta and Miami.
Best Year Ever
I’m so excited 2023 is here! I don’t know about you, but 2022 was a bit … exhausting. After months of dealing with long covid, I’m starting to feel better. To feel stronger. And I’m thrilled with the programs we have coming up this year.
From toner cartridges to corporate partners
Recently, founding Board Director Monique Beatty, reminded me of our humble beginnings. Many years ago, we recycled toner and ink cartridges to earn revenue for Blue Faery.
Andrea Wilson Woods, Blue Faery Liver Cancer Advocacy
I think you just need to not assume that you know what a patient wants, you need to listen and really listen and ask more questions.
Truth About Liver Cancer
Did you know? The day Blue Faery became incorporated by the state of California — December 19 — is the same date Adrienne came to live with me in Los Angeles.